Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday opportunities for study and worship at St. Mark's!
We are having Holy Communion services at 10:00am every Sunday, in the sanctuary. These services can also be accessed by ZOOM (links on the home page).
Evening Prayer services are held every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. by Zoom only, except during Lent, during which there are Lenten Suppers and Historical Theology Talks through Lent.
Thursday Brown Bag Bible Studies are from 12:05-1:00p.m. in person and on Zoom with Rector, Willis Logan leading in discussion and study of the Gospel of John.
On Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Adult Education classes are held in the Ministry Center library and by Zoom (same link as Sunday morning service) and you are welcome to join in any time. Again, links are on the home page right side.
Keep an eye on the weekly parish emails for all the details. If you would like to subscribe to our weekly parish emails, let us know at
Looking for a church home? We are looking for you! Willis Logan, Rector of St. Mark's, would love to talk to you about Baptism, Confirmation and joining the church. Note that once you walk through our doors, we consider you a "member"!