Sunday Morning
Holy Communion, Rite I - 10:00am in the Sanctuary and on Zoom with a social hour after the service.
Children: Sunday mornings during the worship service, we now have about a 20 minute time for the children.
Adult Education 9:00am to 9:45am in the Parish Hall basement and by Zoom
Wednesday Evening
Evening Prayer, Rite II on Zoom only at 7:30pm
Holy Communion at The Glebe in Daleville - the second Tuesday of each month at 11:00am
Holy Communion with Healing Prayers. Join us every third Thursday from 11:30 to 12 noon in the sanctuary (no Zoom) for a short service of communion with healing prayers.
Summer Chapel Series - Stay tuned to find out when the 2025 Eagle Rock services will take place. No services will be held at St. Mark's Fincastle campus on these Sundays.